That first group of women understood that they had been given authority to teach, inspire, and organize the sisters as disciples to assist in the Lord’s work of salvation. In their first meetings the sisters were taught the guiding purposes of Relief Society: to increase faith and personal righteousness, strengthen families and homes, and seek out and help those in need.

Julie B. Beck, General Relief Society President

Sunday, August 1, 2010

“Those lazy days of summer…” Are you kidding?!
For most of us summer is a busy time. It certainly has been for me. And there’s only one more week left before I head back to teaching school. In fact, summer has been so busy that I just this week was able to get through the June Ensign. It was full of treasures, but I want to share two gems:

1. In John C. Thomas’s article, he recounted a dream Brigham Young had in which Joseph repeated three times the counsel “Don’t be in a hurry.” President Young later advised, “Stop! Wait! When you get up in the morning, before you suffer yourselves to eat one mouthful of food,…bow down before the Lord, ask him to forgive your sins, and protect you through the day, to preserve you from temptation and all evil, to guide your steps aright, that you may do something that day that shall be beneficial to the kingdom of God on the Earth.” Like tithing stretches dollars to go farther, prayer can stretch hours to go farther. Stop. Pray. Find joy. How long does it take to smell a rose?

2. There was a quote from President Hinckley: “We must strengthen ourselves and our people to get our teachers to speak out of their hearts…to communicate their love for the Lord and their precious work, and somehow it will catch fire in the hearts of those they teach.” When we teach from our hearts--share experiences, struggles and victories, testimonies—the Spirit carries the truth of the gospel into the hearts of those who hear, strengthening their faith and helping heal their wounds

Have a great August.

Maria Standiford
1st Counselor

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March 24th - Stake Relief Society Super Saturday Activity "Hands of Heaven". Mark your calendars now for this awesome day!