That first group of women understood that they had been given authority to teach, inspire, and organize the sisters as disciples to assist in the Lord’s work of salvation. In their first meetings the sisters were taught the guiding purposes of Relief Society: to increase faith and personal righteousness, strengthen families and homes, and seek out and help those in need.

Julie B. Beck, General Relief Society President

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Dear Friends,

April is gone. I like April. Everything seems fresh. The sunshine seems different than it does in January, February, or March. The flowers are in full blossom and the leaves are on the trees again. April is also General Conference month. Was it not wonderful to listen to the words of the prophets and know that they are talking to us? Sometimes, it feels like we are sitting on the edge of our seats, waiting for the next words of wisdom. I especially loved this April because we are the proud grandparents of a new baby boy, Adrian Spencer Perez, who was born on his Grandpa Romney's birthday. What a cool present, don't you agree? But, like I said, April is now past. We are in the month of May.

May is such a wonderful month. The flowers have bloomed and the weather is usually nice. We celebrate Mother's Day. Children are looking forward to summer break and many families are planning their vacation. Some families are looking forward to planting their gardens and dreaming of wonderful fresh produce. Some families are preparing for the many camps that occur in the summer: Girls' Camp, Boy Scout Camp, and Cub Scout Day Camp. Some families are preparing for prom, for Seminary Graduation, High School Graduation, or College Graduation. Some leaders of the Stake are looking forward to Stake Conference and are preparing for that day. May just seems to be a month for preparation. Some families are even preparing for weddings!

In all of our preparations, I hope that each of us will take time to visit with those we love and love those we visit. If we want to succeed as wards and branches in this great church, we must love those who we serve, love those who serve us, and love those who are not with us each Sunday for whatever reason. We must look for opportunities to show our love to those around us, not just on Sundays.

President Howard W. Hunter spoke words that are for all of us. He said, "In short, we need to love one another with the pure love of Christ, with genuine charity and compassion and, if necessary, shared suffering, for that is the way God loves us. The Savior has commanded us to love one another as he has loved us; to clothe ourselves “with the bond of charity” (D&C 88:125), as he so clothed himself."

Let us use the beautiful month of May to prepare ourselves to love more fully.


Pat Romney


  1. beautiful loving. I can just feel the peace, spirit and sincerity in this heartfelt message. Thank youfor all you do for us sisters and our families every day. I love the music. It brings a calmness and the suggesion will be one well taken. Love Sister Spelts Scottburg Branch

  2. I love the music on this site. I've been listening for almost 3 hours while I work. It is is uplifting and brings me a calm feeling. I am reminded I am loved as I read the message and listen to the music. Very inspiring. I look forward to the new messages each time I access your site. Thank you. Donna Alldaffer, Jeffersonville Ward

  3. President

    I agree that General Conference was wonderful! I always feel recharged and re-inspired to fulfill my callings after listening to the council from our leaders. I also agree with your comments about loving and visiting others, this is key if we are to help each other be successful in the living the gospel. Keep up the good work. President Porter



March 24th - Stake Relief Society Super Saturday Activity "Hands of Heaven". Mark your calendars now for this awesome day!